Championing the horse
– promoting its welfare and honoring its cultural significance

the foundation

Professor Ingvar Fredricson Foundation

The Professor Ingvar Fredricson Foundation was established to preserve the horse's cultural significance and to advance equestrian sports on the horse's terms.

Co-founder Kajsa von Geijer gives the background of the Professor Ingvar Fredricson Foundation

Professor and doctor of veterinary medicine Ingvar Fredricson

Dedicated to improving horse health, performance, and wellfare for eight decades and counting.

Learn more
After some 50 years, it's fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materilalize

Ingvar Fredricson

Professor and doctor of veterinary medicine

After some 50 years, it's fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materilalize

Ingvar Fredricson

Professor and doctor of veterinary medicine

After some 50 years, it's fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materilalize

Ingvar Fredricson

Professor & Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

After some 50 years, it's fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materilalize

Ingvar Fredricson

Professor & Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.

Alan Armstrong

Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.

Alan Armstrong

We must never forget what a privilege sitting on a horse is: to be able to unite one’s body with that of another sentient being, one that is stronger, faster and more agile by far than we are, and at the same time, brave, generous and uncommonly forgiving.

William Steinkraus

Show Jumper

We must never forget what a privilege sitting on a horse is: to be able to unite one’s body with that of another sentient being, one that is stronger, faster and more agile by far than we are, and at the same time, brave, generous and uncommonly forgiving.

William Steinkraus

Show Jumper

I may hold the reins but we share the podium

Beezie Madden

Show Jumper

I may hold the reins but we share the podium

Beezie Madden

Show Jumper

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man

Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man

Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister

Being a champion for your horse's welfare is the equivalent of winning gold in your horse's eyes


Being a champion for your horse's welfare is the equivalent of winning gold in your horse's eyes


For me my biggest motivation is not the big shows. It's not the winning: my biggest motivation is the relationship with the horses

Marcus Ehning

Show Jumper

For me my biggest motivation is not the big shows. It's not the winning: my biggest motivation is the relationship with the horses

Marcus Ehning

Show Jumper

We must never forget that horses are living, breathing animals - the horses always come first

Peder Fredricson

Show Jumper

We must never forget that horses are living, breathing animals - the horses always come first

Peder Fredricson

Show Jumper

Featured Resources

New and interesting articles, films and more

Fredricson Arena Inaugurated

Fredricson Arena Inaugurated

Swedish Equestrian Center of Excellence, Flyinge, inaugurated The Fredricson Arena - a new world-class competition arena, so named in honor of former Flyinge director Ingvar Fredricson and his sons Jens and Peder who have meant so much for Swedish equestrian sport and Flyinge. Measuring 85m x 135m it is one of Europe's largest arenas and will serve as an International Competition Arena and a national training ground to develop future championship riders. Photo collage from the day by Per Willen.

Ingvar Fredricson- Swedish Biomechanics Research: Legacy and Visions by Sleip

Ingvar Fredricson- Swedish Biomechanics Research: Legacy and Visions by Sleip

In this film, Professor Ingvar 'Fredric' Fredricson shares his long-held vision to improve horse welfare through better lameness diagnostics and prevention – and his joy that his ideas are finally being put into practice.

Seminar on the effects of physical activity of foals and yearlings on their soundness as adults

Seminar on the effects of physical activity of foals and yearlings on their soundness as adults

May 28th, 2024 Helsingborgs Regional Animal Hospital, Main Lecture Hall with P.R. van Weeran, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS, Professor at Utrecht University, and Eva Skiöldebrand, DVM, PhD, Professor at SLU

Professor Ingvar Fredricson addresses the 2023 SLU PhDs on behalf of the Jubilee doctors

Professor Ingvar Fredricson addresses the 2023 SLU PhDs on behalf of the Jubilee doctors

"Never listen too much to old advisors, but feel what you believe deep down, because you are the ones at the forefront." That was Ingvar Fredricson's message to the young doctors, in connection with his being appointed Jubilee Doctor at the Swedish University of Agriculture.

SLEIP Blog:  Meet Swedish professor Ingvar 'Fredric' Fredricson, a Pioneer in Equine Locomotion Research

SLEIP Blog: Meet Swedish professor Ingvar 'Fredric' Fredricson, a Pioneer in Equine Locomotion Research

Ingvar Fredricson: “After some 50 years, it’s fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materialize."

Support the Professor Ingvar Fredricson Foundation

Be a champion for horses! Help us preserve the horse's rich heritage and ensure equestrian sport advances on the horse's terms. The horse's well-being is priority number one.