
Support the Professor Ingvar Fredricson Foundation

Be a champion for horses!
Help us preserve the horse's rich heritage and ensure equestrian sport advances on the horse's terms. The horse's well-being is priority number one.

Thanks to our donors and sponsors

On behalf of the horses we all love, we thank our donors and sponsors for playing a part in promoting their welfare and securing the future of equestrian sport on horse’s terms.  

Together, we are making a difference!

After some 50 years, it's fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materilalize

Ingvar Fredricson

Professor and doctor of veterinary medicine

After some 50 years, it's fantastic to see my ideas of using technology to improve horse welfare materilalize

Ingvar Fredricson

Professor and doctor of veterinary medicine

Both in his approach as a veterinarian and in his research, Professor Ingvar Fredricson has always been far ahead when it comes to horse welfare. When Ingvar Fredricson now rewards others who follow in his footsteps, it feels good to, via my foundation, be able to contribute to his scholarship activities.

Susanne Hobohm for Susanne Hobohm's foundation for education, culture and research